What do PET scan results say about metaphor? How can we relate the results of recent PET scan studies to the shamanic phenomena of spirits, to the activities of shamans, and to healing? Once a spirit has appeared in our vision, how do we communicate? Is this real or metaphor?
In this workshop, we will explore the craft of dialogue -- shamanic and other. We will explore the role of trance in healing. How do we use language, music, dance, and other modalities to switch worlds? How do we alter consciousness to remove the cultural blinders that prevent dialogue with ancestors, nature, and spirits? What is the training necessary to become a shaman and what brain changes might this training bring about? Once blinders are removed to spirit communication, how to we proceed? How do we invite a spirit to present itself? Are there rules for encounter and engagement? And where is this apparition? In what reality does it dwell? What are the results of these conversations and how do we develop them further for our own benefit and the benefit of others? We will conclude with the possibilities for further dialogue between science and shamanism, PET scans and spirits. How can this dialogue engender healing and expansion of consciousness. We will explore the convergence of concepts of quantum physics and concepts of shamanism and their potential future integration in theory and practice.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine and completed residencies in family medicine and in psychiatry at the University of Vermont. He is the author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, Coyote Wisdom, and Narrative Medicine. Other Products by Lewis Mehl-Madrona 1) Aboriginal Models for Integration of Brain, Mind, Spirit, and Body
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