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Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology Central

There's another way to view health care, psychology, helping people. That's to approach these from a positive perspective. This web page pulls together some resources on our website and other websites which focus on Optimal Functioning, Peak performance, positive psychology and other related approaches.

Positivity Central a highly related part of our website

Optimal Functioning 2000 Third Annual Meeting, Feb 3,4 Palm Springs, CA

The 1999 Meeting on Optimal Functioning abstracts
The 1998 Meeting on Optimal Functioning Abstracts
Click here to order the recording of the entire 1998 meeting: Audio:$99/ Video $149 & $7/$12 shipping

Articles on Optimal Functioning and Peak Performance

Article on Politics of Self Regulation Responsibility, Consciousness & Optimal Functioning versus illness care

Optimal Functioning Training: A Different Vision of Biofeedback, Self Regulation and Applied Psychophysiology

Optimal Living Columns

Quotations topics: Awakening, Awareness, Balance, Blessings, Change, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Forgiveness, Freedom, Frontiers, Genius, Health, Heart, Integrity, Intention, Laughter, Learning, Positive, Responsibility, Service, Silence, Spirit, Wonder

Responsibility Central

Transformation : Personal and Planetary: Transpersonal growth and making the world a better place.


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