Broadcast 2/21/2010 at 3:29 PM EST (50 Listens, 48 Downloads, 1534 Itunes)
Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio Show Podcast
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Nate Zinsser Bio
Professional in the field of Sports Psychology, Author Dear Dr. Psych; a sports Psychology Guide Book for Kids
author, chapter on Confidence: in last five editions of the classic text: Applied Sports Psychology, Personal growth to peak perfomance.
Director of the Performance Enhancement Program at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Like what you hear in this free podcast? You can order these additional recordings:
Mentoring Winners   SKU# AG-P-111   Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Nate Zinsser Through many years of mentoring athletes and other performers three vital lessons consistently surface as essential to success and satisfaction. These lessons will be will be explained and illustrated using examples from the 2000 US Olympic Trials and the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. In brief, the lessons are: 1) It's all about confidence 2) The higher the level at which you compete, the "lower" many things become 3) The difference between victory and defeat is microscopically small (Specifications: MP3) $7
Thriving Under Pressure   SKU# AG-W2-115   Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Nathaniel Zinsser. This is a workshop on bringing out one's best performance under highly pressurized conditions based on 20 years of work with elite performers and 30 years of study in meditation and martial arts. (Specifications: MP3, 2 hours) $25
Coaching Clients to Gain Confidence and Live Confidently in an Intimidating Unfriendly World   SKU# AF-W2-021   Zinsser, Nate. Futurehealth Workshop approximately 2 hours (Specifications: MP3) $25
- optimal functioning
- positive psychology
- coaching clients
Building the Warrior Ethos; Mental Training for 21st Century Soldiers   SKU# AF-P-040   Zinsser, Nate. Futurehealth Plenary (Specifications: MP3, 20 mins) $7
Program Designed to prepare soldiers to be resistant to PTSD.
9 army centers for enhanced performance.
Uses HRV breath biofeedback training-- two brands.
Responsibility for teaching cadets mental skills that will help their pursuit of excellence as athletes, students and officers.
soldier as expeditionary athlete-- entering an endurance contest-- same demands as on tri-athlete.
ACEP headquarters unit. doing study
Huge study at Ft. Jackson how effective curriculum is with brand new recruits in basic training.
Fitness test, markmanship scores, hesitation time on obstacle courses.
Pilot study showed encouraging results to date.
Full study with 3000 subjects
Probably largest study of sports psychology interventions every conducted
Pilot study: new recruits who were involved in our curriculum moved through obstracle course were faster, shot grouping in marksmanship test was better-- more consistent.
A lot of the principles that we're teaching to soldiers are well known in the sports psychology field ... 8:00
You have to have a certain kind of state of mind when you learn a skill, then shift to a different state of mind when you have to perform.
Learning-- have to be aware of weakness, deliberately trying to correct yourself...
Once it's time to actually do them, instead of breaking it down, you have to see the whole same thing and let the training take over without being analytic.
It's being able to filter...
Human beings are wired to perform their best 11:00
Lance Armstrong refers to dumb focus...Â
At West Point
two hour orientation to our program for all cadets, then 500 get student success course.
13:00Â Mental skills.
become a national champion, become an all-american,
Rest Greed.
20:00 taught, "sleep is for wimps" and "you're going to get all the sleep you need when you're dead."
recovering physical and emotional energy
use yoga and meditative approach, taking yoga and meditative language out.
Use HR monitoring-- HR and HRV-- mentions brand
almost every elite marksman has learned to be so..29:00
force of ventricular contraction can affect aim, so elite marksmen become very sensitive to position and breathing.
Best bi-athletes have learned how to recognize how aroused they are... and they are firing between breaths.
It is your responsibility-- you have to put yourself in a state that is most helpful at the moment. 34:00
research equipment he uses-- brand
Digital audio technology:
come up with a written script that describes goals for semester, career-- detailed, with priorities important to develop and pursue, then breaks priorities into action steps...
mix as wave file with music choices of the cadets,
listen to it to revisit their goals,
Working with confidence: 39:00
first mission is to get students to understand what confidence is and what it is not.
That state of certainty that allows you to do things without a lot of conscious interference.
You do them automatically, like tying shoes.
THat's the state of certainty that the football player, tennis player,marksman, surgeon wants to be in.
One can only become confident once you have experienced success.
Always flashing back to episodes that have not been successful. Even though....
Selectively ignoring the episodes where it went right.
Confidence comes to not what happens to you, but how you think about what happens to you.
Confidence is a function of how you think. Think about confidence as nothing more that the total of your thoughts about yourself relative to a particular activity.
THen it becomes your responsibility to address that particular ... 44:00
monitor that voice in the back of your head when.... but be able to cut it off at the knees when it throws doubt and fear and worry at you.
Be weilling and able to think about yourself the way you want to.
I don't be believe there is such a thing as over-confidence, but there is false confidence.
Top-down, Bottom-up
one thing to look at a golf swing of Phil Nocholson or Tiger Woods-- an overwhelming complex process. If you try to look at it from top down, it's very complex and impossible to execute in the moment.
52: 00 If you do it from the bottom up--
two kinds of genius--
the kind supported largely in the academic world-- look at all the different things that go into it. That's academic genius-- ability to break things down into every finer levels of detail.
To be that pilot you need a different form of genius.
Yogi berra-- how can you think and hit a baseball at the same time.
Bottom up Genius
ability to have that dumb focus--
use of neurofeedback, biofeedback, physiologicalal interventions.
cutting edges-- helping staff connect to origins of these self regulation, mental skills processes
Just read Bhagavad Gita-- advice to young warriors going into battle.
book: Legend of Bagger Vance
at the heart of warriorship.
Over-achievement, by John Elliot
old traditions:
The Unfettered mind
Zen and the Art of Archery
25th anniversary edition of Inner Game of Tennis , Tim Galway
Olympians he's trained:
worked with members of army's world class athlete program back in 2000.
allowed to train for olympic trials for their respective sports.
Mike Cohn, Mike Holcolmb
warrior ethos
Tsutomu Ohshima first high ranking karate expert to come to the United states. Has stayed true.
a lot of my heroes are young men and women who have learned to face themselves and embody that warrior ethos in their own ways.
A young lady who as an alternet for the olympic track team who's now an orthopedic surgeon,
an alternate for the olympics who is now an army chaplain.
Because they've lived the most authentic life possible.
Where you do the very best with whatever you are given both in terms of physical talent and opportunity... and find balance through all.
Size: 28,186,752 -- 1 hrs, 18 min, 0 sec