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Attachment Disorder and the Neurofeedback and Therapeutic Approaches to its Treatment in Adults and Children
View More By Sebern Fisher

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Futurehealth WinterBrain Workshop by Sebern Fisher

Attachment Disorder is a vastly under-recognized clinical and societal problem. Early attachment breaks disrupt optimal brain development, particularly in the right hemisphere, which in turn significantly impairs regulation of affect. Schore argues convincingly that without “good enough” affect regulation there can be no development of self or other.

Neurofeedback training offers the single most efficacious approach to affect regulation for the profoundly disregulated population. Hence it is vital that neurofeedback practitioners understand this increasingly widespread clinical problem, know what protocols best address it and know what, along neurofeedback, is required for a successful outcome.
Topics to be covered: Etiology of Attachment Disorder, assessment, signs and symptoms, present approaches to treatment and the integration of neurofeedback. 3. AGENDA:

First 45 minutes Etiology, assessment, signs and symptoms of attachment disorder
last 1.25 hour Treatment approaches, neurofeedback protocols; integration


Author: Sebern Fisher

Sebern Fisher is a psychodynamic psychotherapist with a primary interest in the importance of secure attachment throughout the life span. She incorporated neurofeedback into her clinical practice in 1997. The effects of brain training that she has both experienced and witnessed have had significant impact on the way she now conceptualizes personality, self, psychopathology and even free will.

Emerging theory in all fields of psychotherapy is focused on the importance of affect regulation. After almost ten years of work with neurofeedback, Sebern has come to believe that the single most important contribution of neurofeedback is regulation of affect, and further, that the most important affect to regulate is fear. In pursuit of this, she discovered the site FPO2, "the gateway to the amygdala", in 1999, and uses it specifically to quiet fear and reactivity. She has fully integrated neurofeedback into her practice of psychotherapy, rarely now, providing one without the other. She works with people suffering from conditions as apparently diverse as PTSD, dyslexia, dissociative disorders, Asperger's, and attachment disorder.

Sebern was the Clinical Director of a residential treatment center for severely disturbed adolescents for fifteen years, where she implemented the first milieu DBT program in the US. She now maintains a private practice in Northampton, Massachusetts. She is an owner of EEG Spectrum International, and speaks nationally and internationally on neurofeedback, on the integration of neurofeedback and psychotherapy, and on attachment and neurofeedback.

Other Products by Sebern Fisher

1) Trauma and Recovery: The Integration of Neurofeedback and Psychotherapy
2) Affect Regulation, State Dependence and the Limits of Self Training
3) A quick primer on Attachment Disorder
4) The Fear Protocol: The theory of FPO2 and the implications of a new clinical data

MP3 (2 hours)   $25.00
Currently Unavailable for Download


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