Dr. Diane has developed the Neuroband, a neurofeedback headband that can be used to achieve optimum Neurofeedback and various Assessments: QEEG, Mini-Q and Q Assessment.
Clinical trials using the Neuroband EEG version are currently being done at the EEG and Seizure Unit of Brigham Women's Hospital, Boston MA. Demonstation Key features of the Neuroband are: o Ease of use: no parting the hair, no neuroprep needed, no need for alcohol clean up o Comfortable to those with skin or head sensitivities o One size fits all (fully adjustable) o Lightweight strapping with Velcro and chamy/felt lead pockets o Clean - fully re-usable: Easy to wash. No sticky paste to clean out of electrodes. o Applied with a saline solution rather than Neuro-paste o Can be applied in one minute or less and removed in seconds A 20 minute demonstration of the various uses for neurofeedback, TLC assessment, Mini Q and QEEG will be presented. In each the ease of use and low impedence will be demonstrated. Also, special snap electrode pockets have been designed to be used with equipment that utilizies snap electrodes. The neuroband was specifically designed for patient dealing with stroke, traumatic brain injury, Fibromyalgia, and Post Trauamtic Stress Disorder, because of their sensitivity to touch. It's design allows a person to comfortably fall asleep for sleep studies, and for Alpha/theta training. It has been used successfull by various clinicans and have found it to be extremely effective in their practice.
Author: Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury International Speaker and Trainer Neuropsychologist Survivor of 2 TBI and an ABI Caregiver of 2 TBI family members Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider Other Products by Diane Stoler 1) Marketing: Neurofeedback: A New Frontier
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