Beverly Rubik had a remarkable personal healing experience with the world-renowned faith healer, the late Dr. Olga Worrall, back in the 1970s. Olga placed her hands on Beverly's knees while in a trancelike state, sending energy, and her knees were spontaneously healed from chronic pain due to dance injuries. Following that, she began conducting scientific research on Olga Worrall and other spiritual and energy healers. She will tell her story as well as a few other stories of remarkable healings that have occurred in the clinic as well as the laboratory, on humans as well as animals and cell cultures. Although these data include the qualitative and depict unique and sometimes uncontrolled events, they provide insights into the mysterious real-life phenomena of healing. They are also inspirational.
These stories raise many questions, including the following: What is the power of consciousness, prayer, and/or human energy to heal? How does it work? What is the role of objects such as crystals used in healing? Is there a 'power of place" or a special role of conditioned space in healing? What can science tell us about healing, and where does it fall short? Are these stories congruent with indigenous understanding of healing, and if so, how? These stories may help healers and clinicians in their healing work, as well as stimulate new scientific research on the phenomena. Moreover, the transpersonal dimensions of healing are extraordinary and reveal the full human potential. Healing experiences are remarkably unique to each person and typically offer deep spiritual lessons for both healer and healee.
Dr. Beverly Rubik is a leading scientist internationally renowned for her research exploring frontier areas of science and medicine. She specializes in subtle energies in health and healing. In 1979, Dr. Rubik earned her doctorate in biophysics at the University of California at Berkeley. She has published over 60 papers in scientific and medical journals and 2 books. Dr. Rubik serves on the editorial board of several medical journals, including Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, and Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine. She was one of 18 hand-picked advisors to the original Office of Alternative Medicine at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and she helped launch this new federal office through its startup years, from 1992 through 1997. She also chaired an NIH panel on energy medicine. The American Medical Students Association hired Dr. Rubik to develop the first medical school curriculum on energy medicine, which was also funded by NIH. In 1996, Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit research laboratory in Oakland, California to explore subtle energies and energy medicine. In 2002, her Institute was awarded an NIH center research grant to study the human energy field together with scientists at University of Arizona. She and her colleagues have been conducting research on Oriental concepts of subtle energy and practices such as Reiki and qigong. They are building a scientific foundation for understanding the human bioenergy field in health, healing, and optimal performance. Dr. Rubik also has a clinical practice where she advices people on alternative and complementary health practices. Beverly Rubik has appeared on numerous television programs throughout the US and worldwide, including a live appearance on “Good Morning America” (ABC-TV), where she presented her work on the human energy field in December 2000. Other Products by Beverly Rubik 1) Oriental Medicine Made Incredibly Easy with the EMAS Device
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