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Alex Carmichael

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Alexandra Carmichael is co-founder of CureTogether, a Health 2.0 company that brings patients with hundreds of conditions together in overlapping data communities. Alexandra has spent 15 years bridging gaps between life science research, internet technologies, design, and business. She previously co-founded bioinformatics software company Redasoft with Daniel Reda. Redasoft's Visual Cloning technology was acquired by Hitachi Software. Alexandra also helped to design the first social web application for bioinformatics.

She is currently a Research Affiliate at Institute for the Future, Director of The Quantified Self, advisor to a number of startups, and a prolific Tweeter on topics of health and chronic conditions (accarmichael). Alexandra lives with a chronic condition herself, and is dedicated to changing the way health decisions are made, using the power of the crowd.

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