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Carol-Ann Hamilton

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Carol-Ann Hamilton is a coach, speaker and Reiki Master healer who captured caregivers’ daunting responsibilities in Coping with Un-cope-able Parents: LOVING ACTION for Eldercare. While writing Coping with Un-cope-able Systems: ADVOCACY for Eldercare, she realized her 25 years’ corporate expertise in change management and team-building can create urgent transformation amongst consumer service providers to aging populations. She lives in Toronto, Canada and can be reached at (905) 822-2503. Download your complimentary Eldercare Rescue Guide at

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, April 21, 2016
Coping with Grueling Eldercare: 7 Survival Tips You Need to Know (3623 views) Find out the shocking health and relationship impacts those who care for aging parents encounter and what to do to safeguard your own life.

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