How To Help Chronic Pain Patients With A Simple Temp Trainer (SKU: AH-P-373)
Futurehealth Plenary by Jerry Wesch.
Low arousal training / de-toning the sympathetic nervous system is a simple and effective tool for pain patients to begin self-control and move toward self-efficacy.
Oriental Medicine Made Incredibly Easy with the EMAS Device (SKU: AH-W2-122)
Futurehealth Workshop by Beverly Rubik
We will demonstrate the state-of-the-art in electroacupuncture diagnostic/biofeedback devices, the EMAS (Electro-Meridian Analysis System; No knowledge of acupuncture is required. Its software offers great insight into Oriental interpretations of a person?s condition as well as East-West combination treatment plans. The electrical conductivity at various hand and foot acupuncture points is measured to reveal the energy flow in the 12 meridians. Computer analysis then shows which acupuncture points need needling or acupressure according to different systems of acupuncture. Autonomic nervous system regulation is also indicated. Moreover, treatment using aromatherapy, herbs, foods, and self-massages, are shown. Demonstrations will be made on volunteer participants.
Peripheral Biofeedback with BioGraph Infiniti (SKU: AG-W1-240)
Futurehealth WinterBrain 1 hour Workshop by Didier Combatalade
Thought Technology?s ProComp/BioGraph Infiniti is a multimedia biofeedback system capable of integrating a full range of peripheral biofeedback modalities with standard EEG biofeedback practices. The workshop will demonstrate how easy it is to use physiological measures like skin conductance, temperature, respiration, heart rate from EKG or BVP (photoplethysmograph) and EMG to monitor you client?s sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and get a broader understanding of the underlying neurological physiology.
Self-Regulation & Biofeedback Treatment of Borderline Personality (SKU: AH-W2-372)
Futurehealth Workshop by Jerry Wesch
Borderline Personality Disorder patients are common in health psychology practice, presenting with stress disorders, exacerbated somatic symptoms, chronic pain, headache, and other troubling symptoms. The systematic use of self-awareness building approaches, self-soothing cognitive and behavioral training and self-regulation strategies, reinforced by biofeedback instrumentation, can make treating these complex patients easier and more effective.
The presentation provides a step-by-step protocol for integrating biofeedback, self awareness training and cognitive behavioral techniques.
The Original Biofeedback System (SKU: AH-P-271)
Futurehealth Plenary Talk by Pamela Jaye Smith
Ancient Biofeedback -- The Ajna Center
For thousands of years, advanced spiritual disciplines have taught their devotees a sophisticated system of biofeedback. The Ajna Center (often depicted as a small golden sun in front of the forehead) is the chakra that, unlike the others, must be consciously built. Through a progressive process of balancing and integrating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, the aspirant learns to assess one?s reactions to situations and alter one?s internal mechanism.
This presentation will explore the history of the Ajna discipline, the physiology of the processes, and a sample focus and meditation.