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Links    H4'ed 9/19/10

What's your idea to BodyShock the Future?

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Alex Carmichael
Message Alex Carmichael
With obesity, diabetes, and chronic disease rampaging populations around the world, Institute for the Future (IFTF) is turning up the volume on global well-being. Launching today, IFTF's BodyShock is the first annual competition with an urgent challenge to recruit crowdsourced designs and solutions for better health--to remake the future by rebooting the present.
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Alexandra Carmichael is co-founder of CureTogether, a Health 2.0 company that brings patients with hundreds of conditions together in overlapping data communities. Alexandra has spent 15 years bridging gaps between life science research, internet (more...)
Related Topic(s): Design; Future; Health; Internet, Add Tags
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